Remember Your Goals! You Can Succeed!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Did biceps, triceps, shoulders and cardio.  I felt pretty good. Probably could have done more, but needed more time.  1/21

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Year....A New Goal

For Christmas this year, our family was given a trip to a resort in San Diego.  I haven't had much of a goal to keep me motivated, until now.  Let's see I have until April 2 to get myself swimsuit ready.  I have a new exercise partner and we are pretty religious about our workouts.  We do have families and busy schedules, so life gets in the way sometimes. This week I am on my own and I think I can stick it out.  We have been doing a program for the last 6 weeks. I haven't seen much progress yet, so I changed it up today and did a program that I put together, but haven't actually put to the test.  We'll see how it goes. Hopefully I can stick with it and make my Swimsuit goal.