Remember Your Goals! You Can Succeed!

Monday, November 7, 2011

I have a new exercise partner.  We are working out 3 days a week, doing a full body workout each time. I love having a partne that is just as motivated as I am.  Hopefully we will see great results by the end of winter!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Just when I think I'm on a roll, life happens, and I get sick.  Oh well.....back to it....again!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Did biceps, triceps, shoulders and cardio.  I felt pretty good. Probably could have done more, but needed more time.  1/21

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Year....A New Goal

For Christmas this year, our family was given a trip to a resort in San Diego.  I haven't had much of a goal to keep me motivated, until now.  Let's see I have until April 2 to get myself swimsuit ready.  I have a new exercise partner and we are pretty religious about our workouts.  We do have families and busy schedules, so life gets in the way sometimes. This week I am on my own and I think I can stick it out.  We have been doing a program for the last 6 weeks. I haven't seen much progress yet, so I changed it up today and did a program that I put together, but haven't actually put to the test.  We'll see how it goes. Hopefully I can stick with it and make my Swimsuit goal. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wow it's been a while.... I keep forgetting I have this blog:)

Autumn and I have stopped working out together, but I am still going strong by myself. I have gained 1 pound of muscle and dropped my body fat down to 22% from 24%. I still have a long ways to go to reach my goals. It's hard because my body just doesn't like to build muscle. I am in the fourth stage of my 7 stage workout plan. I feel stronger and have more energy, but can't wait until the results show on the outside, too. My husband is really busy with his job right now so work on the gym in the basement has come to a standstill for now. I can't wait until I can workout in a finished room! For now, I'll just be grateful that we have all the equipment we need so that I don't have to travel to a gym. Right now when I lift, my 5 yr old is my companion and keeps me smiling through my workout.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Time to get back into shape!

I've been sick and then hurting from a hurt rib and chest muscles, but it's time to get going again. Autumn and I are going to start phase 3 of the program we were doing before I got sick. I can't wait! I'm starting to really feel the effects of not exercising. All of the muscle I had put on is now gone and I'm going to have to work really, really, hard to get it back.